Promoting the JLP at PIPSC Ontario Regional Council Meeting

The JLP was honoured to be a guest speaker at the PIPSC Ontario Regional Council in Niagara Falls on April 21, 2018. In attendance were branch presidents, delegates, alternates and observers.

JLP Regional Field Coordinators, Teresa Morgan and Stephen Colley from the Ontario/Nunavut Region, provided highlights of the Program mandate and shared the benefits of its unique model to improve labour-management relations in the core public administration.

It was an opportunity to share with over 100 PIPSC Council members how the seven (7) JLP workshops offer a great opportunity for unionized federal public service workers and their managers, to come together to build a healthier, more productive workplace.

Stephen and Teresa thanked the Council for this first invitation and encouraged members to contact the JLP to organize workshops or to submit an application to become a JLP Facilitator.

JLP-Ontario/Nunavut Regional Field Coordinators, Teresa Morgan and Stephen Colley